Ryukin Goldfish: Essential Guide to Care, Diet, and Breeding

ryukin goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish (scientific name: Carassius auratus) is a short-bodied fancy fish that has a hump on its shoulder. They are very active and amusing fish. The Ryukins are considered beginner-friendly for aquarists due to ease of care.

Ryukin Goldfish is Chinese in origin but it is massively traded to Japan through the Ryukyus origin (island in Japan). It was referenced as one of the four prettiest goldfish by the Imperial Fisheries Institute.

Delve deeply into the topic as we explain the Ryukin Goldfish care, diet plan, tank requirements, and tank mates.

Ryukin Goldfish Appearance

  • The Ryukins are egg-shaped and have a short and squat body with a round belly.
  • The Rukins can be recognized by a hump on top of their body.
  • The fish’s body is connected to the head by a hump.
  • The Rukin goldfish have long-flowing fins on their bodies.
  • They are very calm and peaceful fish, the best for beginner aquarists.
  • They are double-finned fish and have four long tails. This appearance is impossible to find in other species.
  • The Ryukin goldfish have vivid colored bodies and are available in red, yellow, calico, and chocolate color bodies.

Ryukin Goldfish Lifespan

The Ryukin goldfish have an average lifespan ranging from 10 to 15 years. This lifespan depends on multiple factors. A poor maintenance and low-protein diet can decrease their lifespans.

But, on the other hand, if you maintain proper water conditions in the aquarium and provide them with a high protein and nutritious diet, it can even increase up to 20 years.

The Ryukin goldfish are hardy fish and have a strong immune system. They do not easily get stressed out and get diseases with minor changes in their natural habitat.

Note: For better Ryukin goldfish care, arrange a large-sized water tank.

Ryukin Goldfish Size

The Ryukin Goldfish grow better when they are provided with a large water area. On average, Ryukins are 6-8 inches in size. But, proper water conditions with a large tank area may help this fish grow up to 10 inches in size.

You must have a large tank size with great depth. Research has proven that Ryuking living in the deep waters grow larger than those Ryukins, which are kept in small aquariums.

The Ryukin goldfish have a fast growth rate. So, it is recommended to arrange a large sized tank to house these fish in local captivity.

Ryukin Goldfish Care

ryukin goldfish care

These goldfish are not freshwater fish from tropical areas. They should not be kept in the same warm waters as other freshwater fish.

The Rukin goldfish are easy to care for and not very hardy. They can be adapted to any optimal water conditions with balanced temperature and pH.

Here, you can get detailed information on Ryukin goldfish care, tank size requirements, tank setup, and decorations.

Tank size

We always recommend buying a large tank to house the Ryukin goldfish. These fish are not hardy, and a tank size of 10 gallons is enough for one Ryukin. But you should always go with bigger tanks to keep a group of Ryukin goldfish.

Although a small tank is good for keeping small fish, ultimately, you will need a bigger tank due to Ryukin’s fast growth rate.

A large koi tank is considered a paradise for housing a group of Ryukin goldfish.

Water Parameters

If you have ever experienced keeping freshwater fish in a home aquarium, you know they require warm freshwater and high temperatures. But, the Ryukin goldfish is a cold water fish that must be kept in a cold aquarium.

A thermometer can be used to check the water temperature of the aquarium. Here is a list of the required proportions of water parameters.

  • Temperature ranging from 64-72 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The water pH level is in the range of 6 to 8.
  • Water hardness level from 5-19 dGH.


Make sure to decorate your aquarium with the following decor items to imitate Ryukin Goldfish’s natural habitat.

  • Driftwood
  • Live plants
  • Small granite/marble caves


There are no specific requirements for the Ryukin goldfish. But, you can install a small bulb to glow the aquarium and easily see your Ryukin flaring in the water.


A soft substrate with fine sand gravel is recommended for the aquarium of Ryukin goldfish.


Install a strong filtration system in the aquarium according to the size of the tank. The Ryukin goldfish produce waste that is more than their body size. It is important to install filters in the aquarium to maintain the water quality.


  • Do not place Red live plants in the aquarium, as they can uproot other decorating essentials and silk plants from the surface.
  • Do not place any decorating items with sharp corners to avoid injury to fish in the aquarium.

Ryukin Goldfish Food and Diet

Ryukin Goldfish Food and Diet

The Ryukin goldfish diet plan is very easy. They are omnivores and eat any kind of fish food. You can feed them plant-based food-soaked flakes and small fish pellets.

Make sure to balance the food given to the Ryukin goldfish. Add a small proportion of high-protein meat and other nutritious diets to their feeding plan.

Ryukin goldfish like to eat bloodworms, small insects, brine shrimps, and daphnia. So, you can feed this food twice a week to keep the nutrients in balance.

The Ryukin goldfish are prone to swim bladder issues, which are caused by the worsening of food.

If they overeat, eat the wrong foods, or inhale too much air, they fall prey to intestinal digestion issues. Then, they keep floating on the water surface and do not get down.

It is recommended to make a diet plan and feed small portions of food 4-5 times a day.

Ryukin Goldfish Tank Mates

The Ryukin goldfish are community fish that thrive better when placed with a group of similar species. Some people keep them lonely in the tank.

But you will see Ryukin’s active nature and amusements in the aquarium when they have the company of other species.

We recommend you not place the Ryukin goldfish with slow fancy goldfish. They are poor swimmers and compete with slim-bodied, more agile fish over food. This may result in injuries to fish.

The Ryukins are dual-finned fish and would like to share the tank with similar fish species that have dual fins. Usually, they show aggression towards single-finned species.

Always choose tank mates for the Rukins which have bodies of similar size and are not aggressive. They must be able to defend themselves against Ryukins’ aggression.

Here is a list of ideal tank mates for the Ryukin goldfish.

  • Black Moor
  • Lionhead
  • Oranda
  • Butterfly Tail Goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish Behavior & Temperament

The Ryukin goldfish are friendly, peaceful but semi-aggressive fish. They have an agile nature and always try to amuse their spectators with their lovely movements.

The Ryukins have a pointed-shaped head and are considered very picky fish. They may try to bite the fins and other fish parts. 

They have the nature to threaten small-sized species. You have to be careful while selecting a tank mate for the Ryukin.

Breeding in Ryukin Goldfish

Breeding in Ryukin Goldfish

The Ryukin goldfish breeding is simple. You just need balanced water conditions, a tank size of a minimum of 20 gallons, and a pair of mature males and females.

Male Ryukins are typically smaller in size than female Ryukin. The male Ryukins develop spots on their gills and ridges on their pectoral fins.

  • Grow fibrous plants with abundant leaves or put a breeding mop in the aquarium.
  • Increase in light in the aquarium.
  • Bring the aquarium closer to sunlight as there are more chances of spawning on a sunny day.
  • Increase the temperature and raise it to 20 degrees Celsius.

Separate males and females several weeks before breeding. As soon as they reach closer to breeding, feed them rich protein food to get a healthy fry.

When the fish spawns, it will lay thousands of eggs. Separate the adult Ryukin from the eggs, as he will eat the eggs.

The Ryuking eggs will be hatched in 4 to 7 days. You can feed dry fish fry food to the newborns until they are not big enough to eat small insects or brine shrimps.

Ryukin Goldfish Diseases

Ryukin Goldfish are hardy and they do not fall prey to disease easily. But, there are some common fish diseases that Ryukins may get as well.


This is a very common fish disease caused by freshwater parasites. The fish suffering from Ich develop white spots on their bodies.

At first, fish start flicking their bodies on the different decor surfaces in the aquarium to dislodge the parasite. When the parasite develops, it leaves white spots on the fins of the fish.

It can easily be treated by any local pet store medicine for Ich.


Flukes often attack the fish, which are habitual in hiding in the plants and stones in the aquarium.

The common flukes are:

  • Fish lice
  • Anchor worms

To keep your fish away from flukes, avoid feeding your Ryukins live food. First, throw it in a separate tank two weeks after feeding it to your fish.


The Ryukin goldfish are very active, beginner-friendly fish popular for their beautiful colored body and large fins flaring in the aquarium. Now, you have the guide about the Ryukin care, diet plan, tank requirements, and their disease. If you have any queries, let me know in the comments.

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