Betta Fish Behavior Before Death: 16 Signs To Look Out For

Betta Fish Behavior Before Death_ 16 Signs To Look Out For

Betta fish is a symbol of beauty and elegance. Their distinctive appearance and striking colors can hypnotize any aquarium lover. Their existence in aquariums adds beauty and appeal no one can resist. That’s the reason the majority of fish lovers own a betta fish.

Betta fish behavior before death is hard to analyze and identify. New and old betta fish lovers are often confused about betta fish behavior before dying. Determining their symptoms requires strong knowledge and care for minute details to know what these behavioral changes really mean. If you cannot identify the behavior change at the right time, you might lose your loving pet. 

This comprehensive blog covers 16 signs to look out for in a betta fish that can be signs of its demise. Let us quickly analyze each sign and its solution to save a betta from dying helplessly. 

16 Signs of Betta Fish Behavior Before Death

Common 16 Behaviors of Betta Fish Before

Vertical Hang

The common behavior is that the betta fish’s vertical hangs, where the betta fish floats vertically in the tank. It is caused by overfeeding, poor water quality, and poor diet. You can cure it by feeding fish daphnia and adding an API stress coat. You can also give them medication. If possible, change the water. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Vertical Hang1. Overfeeding
2. Poor Water Conditions
3. Poor Diet
1. Feed Them Daphnia
2. Give Them Medication
3. Perform Water Changes
4. Add API Stress Coat

Loss of Appetite

The loss of appetite is a concerning behavior of betta fish before dying. Betta swims in the tank generally but does not eat normally. It can be a sign of disease, stress, water temperature problems, and water quality issues. 

You must identify and treat the diseases before it is too late. Water changes, API stress coat treatment, and aquarium salt can be a great solutions. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Loss Of Appetite1. Disease
2. Stress
3. Temperature Problems
4. Poor Water Quality
1. Identify & Treat Disease
2. Add API Stress Coat
3. Try Aquarium Salt
4. Perform Water Changes

Changing Color

A betta fish color change can tell way more about it than any other sign. Color changes can be due to poisoning of water with nitrate. If it is turning darker, change the water or maintain a zero nitrate level. Moreover, change in color can be due to overage. But if it is a mature betta, the changing color is lethal. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Changing Color1. Stress
2. Disease (Ich, Velvet, Fin Rot)
3. Old Age
4. Injury
1. Perform Water Changes
2. Add A Heater And Filter
3. Treat Any Disease

Less Responsive

Bettas are generally active. Lazy and less responsive behavior can be a sign of dying. It can be due to disease, old age, ammonia posting, or cold temperature of the water. If you find your betta less responsive, treat disease, perform a water change, or check ammonia levels. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Less Responsive1. Disease
2. Old Age
3. Ammonia Poisoning
4. Cold Temperature
1. Treat Any Disease
2. Check Ammonia Levels
3. Perform A Water Change
4. Add API Ammo Lock


The lethargic behavior of a betta fish can be a sign of behavioral change before dying. An inactive behavior of ammonia is a bad omen. It can be done by ammonia poisoning, cold water, low-quality food, and illness. To cure it, temperature levels should be increased, and food quality improved. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Lethargy1. Ammonia Poisoning
2. Tank Is Too Cold
3. Disease & Illness
4. Low Quality Food
1. Perform A Water Change
2. Improve Food Quality
3. Treat And Diseases
4. Use A Heater.


Stress is slow poising. It is built slowly. A betta fish can face stress problems if the tank is crowded and tank mates are bully and aggressive. The absence of hiding spaces and a low tank environment is a common cause. Therefore, solves these problems before a betta fish dies. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Stress1. Crowded Tank
2. Bullies
3. No Hiding Places
4. Poor Water Quality
5. Changes In Water Conditions
1. Perform A Water Change
2. Adjust The Temperature
3. Remove Aggressive Fish
4. Add Hiding Places
5. Increase The Tank Size
6. Add API Stress Coat
7. Turn The Aquarium Lights Off


Betta fish is friendly. But if it starts hiding, this behavior change can be a sign before its dying. A betta fish usually hides when it is vulnerable, ill, depressed, or injured. So, remove bullies, limit current speed, and adjust the tank environment. Treat if any injury or illness is found. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Hiding1. Injury
2. Depressed
3. Sick
4. Poor Water Quality
5. Filter Current Too Strong
6. Not Enough Hiding Spaces
1. Add API Stress Coat
2. Remove Any Bullies
3. Adjust The Lights
4. Adjust The Filter Current
5. Add More Entertainment
6. Treat Any Illnesses

Gasping of Air

If you find betta fish gasping air, take good care of it. It can be due to increased poising levels due to ammonia, lack of oxygen, or sudden water parameter change. Therefore, add an ammonia neutralizer, live plants, and an air bubbler to save your betta fish from dying.  

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Gasping For Air1. Ammonia Poisoning
2. Temperature Shock
3. Sudden Water Parameter Change
4. A Lack Of Oxygen
1. Add Ammonia Neutralizer
2. Change The Water
3. Lower The Temperature
4. Add An Air Bubbler
5. Add More Live Plants

Swimming Funny

Another common behavior of betta fish before dying is it starts swimming oddly. A betta fish might not swim properly due to swim bladder disease, neurological damage, poor nutrition, or dropsy. Treatment of this behavior is changing water, feeding betta fish with vitamin-rich food, or daphnia. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Swimming Funny1. Swim Bladder Disease
2. Neurological Damage
3. Poor Nutrition
4. Dropsy
5. Poor Water Quality
1. Fast Your Betta
2. Feed Them Daphnia
3. Feed Them High-Quality Food
4. Perform Water Changes
5. Use Epsom Salt


When you watch your betta’s belly start bloating, water is stored in the belly or pinecone starts to display, you must know it is the time your betta fish will die later or sooner and you can not do anything. Once dropsy symptoms are clear, there is no cure for them. Methylene blue can help you somehow. The final option will be mercy killing. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Dropsy1. Poor Water Quality
2. Illness
3. Old Age
No Particular Cure 

Eye Swelling

Eye swelling is also a common behavior change in betta fish before it dies. Inflammation can be due to sharp objects in the tank, injury, or bullying by other tank mates. When you notice any kind of swelling in your betta fish, remove sharp objects, add aquarium salt, and divide bullies. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Eye Swelling1. Injury
2. Bullies
3. Infection
1. Remove Sharp Objects
2. Remove Bullies
3. Improve Water Quality
4. Add Aquarium Salt

Fraying Fins

From all the other behavior changes, fraying fins when tails and fins rot is a sign that betta fish is dying. This behavior can be due to the presence of sharp objects and bullies in the tank or your betta fish biting itself. In the early stages, its cure is easy by removing bullies, increasing tank size to lessen aggression, or using an API stress coat. But in several cases, you cannot do anything. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Fraying Fins1. Sharp Objects
2. Aggression
3. Tail Biting
4. Fin Rot
5. Cramped Tank
6. Poor Slime Coat
1. Remove Sharp Things
2. Remove Bullies
3. Provide Entertainment
4. Improve Water Quality
5. Use A Bigger Tank
6. Use API Stress Coat

Clamped Fins

Clamped fins happen due to disease, tough environment, or temperature problems. Clamped fins are not a direct sign that your betta fish is dying. But if you neglect it it can lead to demise. Therefore, perform water changes, treat illness, or add a heater or a filler. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Clamped Fins1. Poor Water Quality
2. Temperature Problems
3. Disease
4. Genetic Defects
5. Change In Water Parameters
1. Test The Water
2. Perform Water Changes
3. Treat Illnesses
4. Add A Heater
5. Add A Filter

Staying At The Bottom

Another behavioral change in a betta fish is that it starts staying at the bottom. This can be due to illness, oxygen shortages in the tank, or depression. When you notice this kind of behavior, try to change the water, make the tank environment better, and remove bullies. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Staying At The Bottom1. Swim Bladder Disease
2. Ammonia Poisoning
3. Temperature Shock
4. Egg Bound
5. Old Age
1. Improve Water Quality
2. Adjust Temperature
3. Use Ammonia Neutralizer
4. Improve Diet
5. Use Epsom Salt


Depression is a common problem in betta fish. It can be noted by swimming, diet, and activity of a betta fish. The reason for depressing behavior in betta fish is due to small tank size, illnesses, injury, and lack of entertainment. 

You must get a bigger tank to make the environment smoother. Adding plans and decorative gadgets can also cure depression. Apart from these, add tankmates who are friendly to betta fish and improve their behavior. 

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Depressed1. Tank Too Small
2. Lack Of Entertainment
1. Get A Bigger Tank
2. Add Plants
3. Add Decorations
4. Add Other Tank Mates

Bloated Belly

When a betta fish belly is bloated, it is taken as a serious sign before dying. A bloated belly is caused by swim bladder disease, constipation, or dropsy. Cure it before it is too late. Therefore, fast your betta, feed high-quality feed and daphnia. Increasing water tank size and improving water quality can result well. Other than these, Epsom salt and methylene blue should be added to improve water quality.

Behavior of Betta FishSymptom Cure 
Bloated Belly1. Constipation
2. Swim Bladder Disease
3. Dropsy
1. Fast Your Betta
2. Feed Your Betta Daphnia
3. Use An Epsom Salt Bath
4. Add Methylene Blue
5. Improve Water Quality
6. Use High Quality Food


Now you know about common behaviors of dying betta fish. Almost 90% of these behavior changes are easy to treat. Most of them are due to poor nutrition, tank environment, water temperature, pH, and hardness.

Along with it, illness, diseases, and tank mates’ behavior lead to the demise of betta fish. However, curing is not a tough task. All you have to do is provide a peaceful tank environment, have a proper diet, and use betta fish care products. Now, identify the behavior change quickly and treat it as prescribed to save your betta fish from dying.

If you liked our comprehensive blog, have a look at our well-articulated blog on female betta fish to know if it is the perfect choice for your aquarium. 


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