Betta Fish Not Eating Solutions: Rescue Your Pet Now

Betta Fish Not Eating

Watching your Betta fish not eating is a stressful situation. However, the reason can be different every time. Sometimes, there is no need to worry; other times, it can be due to serious issues.

Without identifying the issue and solving it for longer, you might lose your aquatic pet. You must find out why Betta fish are not eating, and then solving it as a pro is all your aquatic friend needs in these situations.

So, let us learn the top 9 reasons your Betta fish are not eating and solve each problem like a professional.

Top 9 Reasons Betta Fish Not Eating With Their Solutions

Betta fish sometimes show odd behaviors. From them, not eating food is the most common one. 

Here are the top 9 reasons a Betta fish does not eat with their solutions.

Let us head to them. 

It is Overfed

When a Betta fish not eating, it might be the reason you are feeding it too much. Many new aquarists go through this once in a lifetime. They feed their aquatic pet so much that they need. 

A Betta fish’s belly is about the size of its eyes. Therefore, you should keep its diet size in mind. Most of the time, Betta eats food that is greater than its dose. Later, it does not eat.

But you do not have to worry about it because it is a common behavior.

The solution to it:

Feed your Betta the same to its prescribed diet level. Follow the vet’s advice and feed what he/she tells you. Feed a Betta 1-2 pellets of food twice a day only.

Can Be ill

Often, when a Betta is ill or has a disease, his appetite goes. It eats less or no than the required diet. With not eating, a Betta fish also shows other symptoms that notify it is going through the disease. 

Some major diseases a Betta fish faces are dropsy, constipation, swim bladder disease, fin rot, ich, and velvet. All these diseases cause appetite loss. 

The solution to it:

Note the symptoms and identify the disease. Then, show your Betta to a vet. Treat illness as prescribed by the vet. 


When a Betta fish is under stress, it stops eating food. It is the first thing stress is identified. However, stress can be due to many things, such as bullying tank mates, absence of plants and hiding spaces, water temperature changes, tank size, etc.

The solution to it:

Add plants and hiding rocks in your aquarium so your Betta fish thrives peacefully. It relieves his stress and keeps him happy. 

Poor Water Quality

Water quality affects Betta fish appetite. When a Betta fish is not eating, it might be due to poor-quality water. 

Poor water quality can be due to increased or decreased water pH. Nitrate levels or water pollution can also be factors. Another factor is the hardness of the water and increased temperatures, which cause stress among Betta. 

The solution to it:

Increased water quality by changing the water weekly, installing filters and heaters in the aquarium, and matching nitrate and nitrite levels to zero.

Improper Diet/Food

An improper diet can be the biggest factor in Betta fish’s decision to stop eating. You might be feeding your Betta at improper times, or there is a change in the food, or food quality needs to improve.

All these factors make Betta fish feel snub. Due to these, Betta fish might stop eating food and get ill.

The solution to it:

Feed your Betta fish on the prescribed schedule and only feed him what it can eat. Always change food weekly so it takes an interest in the food. Moreover, feed it protein-rich food.

New Environment 

Betta Fish Not Eating

Environmental changes can cause a baby fish to stop eating. When a Betta fish is introduced into a new environment, it needs some days to acclimate. And throughout this time, it might not eat.

Environmental adjustments can be the introduction of a new Betta, tank change, water change, or planting or removing plants and other hiding subjects that create a mess or significant environmental change.

The solution to it:

Give your Betta fish some days to settle in the new environment. Meantime, give him some food twice a day.

Inappropriate Temperature

In addition to all the other reasons a Betta fish stops eating, the inappropriate temperature is also a significant factor that makes Betta fish not eating. 

Inappropriate temperature can be higher than 24 °C to 27 °C, and rapid temperature changes. These cause lethargy and slow metabolism.

The immune system of the Betta fish is greatly affected by temperature changes. Cold temperatures put them into shock, which is not good for their health. In the same way, warm temperatures disturb their swimming nature. The fish struggle during breathing, which may lead to their demise.

The solution to it:

Keep temperature between 25 °C and 27 °C, and do not make rapid temperature changes.

Betta Is Ready To Breed

When a Betta is close to breeding or graving, the first sign she shows is it stops eating. Breeding makes her lose interest in eating. 

If breeding is the factor, you will see a bubble nest around it. And confirm there is no problem but a graving Betta fish. 

The solution to it:

You can not do anything. Just make her as peaceful as possible and provide a peaceful area only. 

Betta Is Becoming Fussy

A fussy Betta does not eat certain foods. If you feed it the same type of food or change it continuously, Betta fish might stop eating. Sometimes, they do not like certain foods and act like pickers.

Betta shows different behaviors. They like some food all the time and some food never. And some Bettas love diverse food.

It is up to your Betta how it acts.

The solution to it:

Feed Betta diverse food or feed it what it likes from the very start.


Inappropriate temperature affects the organs of Betta fish. Their body metabolism slows down, and their immune system will not function properly. It makes them vulnerable to various diseases


You are a pro now. It is not easy to learn why a Betta fish stops eating. However, you have achieved it now. All these different reasons make Betta fish stop eating. 

Therefore, it was a must to identify every problem. I assure you that this guide has provided you with all the necessary data. 

If you liked this one, read about the causes of fish dying and their solutions.

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