Cookies Policy uses cookies policy. By using our website, you continue to agree with our cookies policy.

Our cookies page explains what cookies are, how We use them, and how We partner up with third parties for cookie devising policy. You may read the whole information regarding cookies in this page and choose how you react to our website.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text, sent by the website to your web browser. Next time, when you visit the website, cookies make it easier for you to interact with the website.

It helps you to improve your browsing experience with the website.

There are mainly two types of cookies.

  1. Session Cookies
  2. Persistent Cookies

Session cookies are removed from your web browser or mobile device whenever you go offline.

Persistent cookies remain on your web browser until you decide to turn them off by your choice.

How Does oceanexist Use Cookies?

When you use our service or our website, We may place a number of cookies on your web browser.

These cookies are used to improve the browsing experience for your next time visit and. They are also used to place the ads effectively on the website.

In addition, We also store cookies to maintain analytics throughout to improve the quality.

Is oceanexist Using Third-Party Cookies?

We use our company’s own cookies policy to improve the user interface and user experience with the website. 

In addition to this, We may collaborate with other third-party companies to manage their cookies for placing better and more relevant ads on the website.

The cookie information may include the name and product image being viewed on our website.