Corvina Fish: An Overview, Benefits, Easy Recipe and More

corvina fish Cilus

Corvina fish is considered a versatile fish. It is not only a source of food but also used for many other purposes. If you are also interested in this fish, you will find each and everything about this fish here. After hours of research, I collected the most updated and accurate information about Corvina fish in this blog.

Corvina Fish, An Overview

The scientific name of Corvina fish 

The scientific name of the Corvina fish is Cilus gilberti. 

Other names of Corvina

Corvina fish is also known as the white sea bass. It is also famous as the Gulf Corvina. Some people call it the Corvina Drum. It is a very famous prime tablefish in South America. 

General information on Corvina fish

Corvina is actually a large family of fish. And there are hundreds of types of Corvina. Every type differs in shape and size. Cilus fish have large mouths and elongated bodies. It can grow up to 70 cm. The maximum weight of a Corvina fish can be 2.4 kg. But size greatly varies with the type of Corvina fish. 

Corvina fish have white outer skin. It has a silvery, blue-grey dorsum and dark spots on the scales. It is famous for its pinkish flesh, which turns to white when cooked. Moreover, it is just like drums and croakers in shape.

Reproduction of Corvina

Corvina fish, a versatile fish, have a range of ages from 6 to 12 years. These fish are gonochoric (have both sexes) and have multiple batch spawners (organisms that ovulate and spawn at more than one place at the same time). 

Places of presence

Corvina fish are mostly found in shallow, sandy, or muddy areas of bays. These fish are called euryhaline as they can’t survive in salty waters. This fish is supplied from the Pacific Ocean along South America.

Food of Corvina

Corvina fish eat molluscs and crustaceans. These are considered as voracious eaters. 


Corvina fish resemble white sea bass. They are common in South America and are famous for their raw pink flesh, which turns white when cooked. Corvina’s are found in shallow waters and reproduce in batches.

Types of Corvina fish

corvina fish types

There are hundreds of types of Corvina fish. But some of the most famous are given below.

Big Tooth Corvina

The scientific name of Big Tooth Corvina fish is Isopisthus parvipinnis. It is mainly found in shallow and warm waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean. These are named so because of their fang-like teeth.

Golden Corvina

Golden Corvina is a salt and warm water fish. It is found in tropical coastal waters and South American Pacific coastlines. Moreover, it is also known as a Corvina Drum.

The scientific name of the Golden fish is Cynoscion acoupa.

Orange mouth Corvina

The scientific name of Orange mouth Corvina is Cynoscion xanthulus. It has a bright yellow-orange colored mouth. These species are found on the Mexican coasts of the Pacific Ocean. These are demersal species and are found in sandy bays. 

Shortfin Corvina 

Its scientific name is Cynoscion parvipinnis.

Shortfin Corvina is found in the Eastern Pacific Ocean from Southern California to Mexico. It is blue to gray in the dorsal part and silver to white in the ventral parts. It is named so because of its short and colorless pectoral fin.

Gulf Corvina

The scientific name of Gulf Corvina is Cynoscion othonopterus. It is actually a species of croaker. These species are found in the Gulf of California and the Colorado River.

Benefits of Corvina Fish

Cilus fish is rich in nutrients. It can be a perfect part of a balanced diet. Following are some of the main nutrients that can be directly obtained from the Corvina fish. 

  • Fatty acids 
  • Omega-3 and B vitamins
  • Vitamin B12
  • Protein 
  • Minerals like phosphorus, calcium, and iron. 

These fish are very useful for the reinforcement of neural functions. It can control the cholesterol level in humans. 

Corvina Fish Recipes

corvina fish recipe

Corvina fish tastes excellent, mild, and sweet. It has a firm texture. It is pink colored in raw and white when cooked. There are different famous cooking methods for Corvina fish, which include grilled, baked, and fried. 

Corvina Fish in Coconut Recipe

You can cook any fish in any type of crust. It is an easy and simple recipe but gives a very delicious taste and beautiful aroma. So, here is the step-by-step guide for cooking Corvina in coconut crust.

  • Take the Panco in a baking dish, i.e., coconut-covered Corvina 
  • Mix the coconut flakes with the Corvina fillet crust
  • Now bake this Corvina fillet crust along with coconut flakes in the oven
  • Add butter, salt, and pepper to the Corvina slices 

When the fish is ready, sprinkle some coconut flakes and toast in a separate pan.

Corvina With Butter and Herb Recipe

Yes, it is a tasty and delicious dish, but very simple and easy to cook. You will be surprised to know the step-by-step guide to this recipe.

  • De-skin the fish 
  • Coat the fish with a mixture of garlic, parsley, and thyme
  • Add some salt and pepper to the coated fish
  • Now fry the fish in a pan with butter for 10 minutes 
  • It’s done 

Now enjoy this Cilus fish with your friends and family. 

Baked Corvina with Tomatoes

This is an effortless, healthy, and fresh dinner. It takes only 15 minutes and you got your dish. Now, move towards the steps of this dish.

  • Season both sides of your Corvina fish
  • Place the Corvina fish slices in the baking dish
  • Now, before baking, add tomatoes, olives, capers, and white wine to the pan. 
  • Now, bake all this on the dish for about 10 to 15 minutes. 

You can use different combinations with Corvina fish, whichever suits your mood and taste. One is white wine, butter, and lemon, and the other is tomato, olive, and caper combination. These things will add flavor and make your fish more delicious.

Easy Fishing Method

As Corvina fish is mostly found in the bays of the Pacific Ocean, these are mostly harvested through the below-mentioned methods.

Button Trawl

When you want to fish the Corvina in bulk, you can use this method. In this method, a large cone-shaped net is towed in the water. This net is closed at one end. The net is towed with one or two boats. The net is kept open and then geared up by the devices.

This method is used to catch many commonly eaten fish. But, mostly, it is used for catching the fish which are on the seabeds.


In this method, large nets hang in the water; fish can enter the net but can’t move out of the nets. The more they struggle to free themselves, the more they are entangled in the nets. The mesh size of the nets is so designed that fish cannot move out of the net. Mesh size, length, and height depend on the regulations in that area. However, this method is used for large-scale fishing. 


It is a simple method which is used for fishing by a single person. You will only need a line with a hook. The hook is baited and then dropped into the water. You can use a few fresh mussels for baiting.

In this method, you drop the hook in the water and hold the line in your hand. The line can be anchored on the moving boat or on a rock. And then wait for any fish to take your bait. 

Yes, it seems simple. But you require a lot of forethought in selecting the line, hook, and sinker. These things depend on the fish you want to catch. 


Several methods are adopted to catch corvina fish. Trawling and gillnetting are best for capturing corvina in bulk using large nets. A single person uses handlines to catch corvina fish.

Hope you have enjoyed these in-depth insights about the Corvina fish. 

This guide has covered everything you need to know about the Cilus fish.

What other important points should be mentioned here?

Should I cover each type in detail? 

Let me know in the comment section. 

Further Read: Ono Fish

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