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The information provided on our website (oceanexist.com) is for general informational purposes only. We intend to keep the utmost accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information.

But, We make no representations or provide any kind of warranty regarding the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the articles, product image usage, and other graphical representations on the website.

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You may head towards our privacy policy page for complete information and explanation regarding our privacy policy.

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You may encounter external links spread on our website within articles. But, We do not guarantee the content of websites being linked and other graphical representations of those websites.

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Oceanexist.com has all the rights to modify or update the website disclaimer at any time. Your continued use of the website after any update signifies that you have consented to all the changes in the disclaimer, terms, and conditions.

Contact Information:

If you have any queries regarding our website disclaimer, you should immediately contact our team at sales@bytesvalley.com or 607-246-9400. 

We reply to your queries via email. Your questions and feedback are important to us.