Goldfish Water Temperature Essentials: Maintain Ideal Conditions

Goldfish Water temperature

If you belong to the goldfish-keeping community, you must have heard senior keepers talk about goldfish water temperature. Some suggest a cold water temperature, and others insist on a warmer one. A fraction of goldfish keepers say that the water temperature does not matter; keeping a goldfish in a tank or pond matters. 

Other than that, many people suggest keeping goldfish in tanks, not outside ponds. But what is the suitable water treatment for goldfish? Where should they be kept, and what should the desired temperature be in ponds and tanks? Let us answer all your questions like a pro!

Goldfish Water Temperature Variation

The most important factor when analyzing goldfish temperature is the breed you own. People do not know that the water temperature of goldfish varies between different breeds. Goldfish are divided into two major breeds: skinny-bodied and fancy or fat-bodied goldfish.

Skinny-bodied goldfish are hardy and tend to have strong attributes. They can survive breezing waters and warmer waters. Skinny-bodied goldfish water temperature in winter goes below 32 °F or 0 °C. And this breed survives. The ideal water temperature in ponds and tanks is 65 °F-78 °F (18.3 °C-25.5 °C).

Fancy or fat-bodied goldfish are fragile. They need warm water. If your goldfish is kept in a water tank or pond, you must install a heater to maintain the water temperature. The ideal water temperature for fancy goldfish is 72 °F-78 °F (22.2 °C-25.5 °C), where it can live a happy life. 

Where To Keep Goldfish: Pond Or Tank?

Red Moor Goldfish

Different people suggest different things when it comes to keeping goldfish. But ideally, it depends on the environment of the area in which you reside. If you live in colder regions where the temperature rarely goes above 16 °C and below 10 °C, then a pond with a heater or water tank inside is the perfect option. 

If you live in hotter or tropical areas, you must give shade to your pond or keep your goldfish in a water tank. In this type of region, a chiller can be a good installation option so the water temperature does not exceed 23 °C. 

People living in regions where temperature varies in big margins keep their goldfish for a half year in the pond and other half a year in the tanks. It is your choice. But before inhabiting goldfish, first know the temperature and analyze the environment yourself. 


Goldfish enjoy spacious environments. Garden ponds are suitable for them, and they require an optimal temperature to survive. The temperature depends on the areas in which these fish are present.

Ideal Pond Temperature For Goldfish

The ideal water temperature for goldfish in a pond is 60 °F to 74 °F ( 20 °C to 23 °C ). If the water temperature sometimes drops below 20 °C to 10 °C or rises above 23 °C to 26 °C, skinny-bodied goldfish can survive. However, it will surely hamper their growth and breeding capabilities. 

The pond water temperature must be between 70 °F and 74 °F for fancy goldfish. Some fancy goldfish also live happily at 80 °F. 

Ideal Water Tank Temperature For Goldfish

The ideal water tank temperature for a goldfish is 60 °F (20 °C) to 74 °F (23 °C). The temperature variation for skinny-bodied and fancy goldfish is only applicable to ponds, not tanks. Water tanks with chillers and heaters offer complete control over temperature levels. You can monitor temperature levels and adjust what seems feasible to you. 

Breeding Water Temperature For Goldfish

Tamasaba Gold Fish

To know the perfect temperature range for goldfish, one must analyze nature. Glofish breed in spring when the cold weather becomes slightly warmer. To ensure the ideal breeding, you have to do the same. 

First, set the temperature at cold levels like 10 °C to 12 °C. Then slightly make it warmer and maintain it at 17 °C to 20 °C. This way, you can breed your goldfish perfectly.

Note: Do not quickly increase or decrease the water level or change the warm or cold water. This can cause a shock. 

What is Even More Important Than Temperature Changes for Goldfish?

Acclimation is way more important than temperature changes. You can attain it by changing temperature levels slightly to lower and above. As goldfish are hardy, you acclimate it. It will give you better results by keeping your goldfish habitual even if water temperature changes above survival levels. 


Now you know completely about the water temperature requirements of goldfish. By maintaining this temperature, you can keep your goldfish happy and energetic. These temperature levels are ideal for both fancy and skinny-bodied goldfish. Now, never lose your goldfish because of temperature with this comprehensive water temperature guide. 

If you like this well-researched article, explore our new article on 20 cool freshwater fish you can easily inhabit. 

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