30 Types of Betta Fish Top Colors & Patterns With Pictures

Rosetail Betta Fish

Betta fish, known as Siamese fighting fish, are among the most beloved aquatic pets worldwide. Their striking colors and flamboyant fins can mesmerize every aquarist.

Betta fish have 76 types based on the tail, color, and patterns that make them the most loved by every aquarium to enhance the beauty of their water tanks. But only some people know about all the types of betta fish. 

Even old aquarists need help to identify all kinds of betta fish. When at a pet store buying a betta fish, you must recognize the best Betta for your aquarium beauty with proper knowledge and attention to minute details. 

But we have got you covered. 

We have brought you the most detailed and easy guide to know about the most common 30 types of betta fish with pictures you will always remember.

So, why not move forward to betta types? Let us go! 

Betta Fish

Betta fish is a colorful little water creature. They are found in different colors, patterns, and tails in the Philippines, Singapore, South East Asia, etc.  

Due to selective cross-breeding, betta fish types have reached 76, with new varieties in the market. 

To organize these enormous types of betta fish so you remember them easily. Organizing them based on tail, color, and patterns is feasible. 

Let us learn about the different betta fish types.

Betta fish types based on tail

Betta fish is present in 15 plus tail types. Each has a distinct color, appearance, size, and kind. Therefore, 

Let us learn about each one with a picture.  

Veiltail Betta

Veiltail Betta Fish

Veil tail betta fish has been around for years. It is one of the most common betta fish types, and it is present in white, red, and other color patterns.

Veiltail betta fish have long and flowing tails, and dangling caudal fins flair out when they swim. These fins act as both anal and dorsal fins.

They have longer tails than Plakat betta but smaller than the half-moon betta fish. Due to their beauty and elegant shape, they are still the most popular betta fish type, which many old and new aquarists have acquired.

However, due to overbreeding, their demand has slightly decreased among the aquarists, as it was once in the past.



Another popular type of betta fish is crown tail. Its name is given due to its tail, which resembles the crown. 

They are easily recognizable as their fins and tail webbing only extend a short way down each ray, resulting in a very spiky or crown-like shape.  

As the webbing is so little, the crown tail betta tail is easily broken or damaged. They can have double or triple-ray extensions from which different rays or fins appear to extend from a single or larger ray. 



Combatil betta is a new variety of Betta. However, some aquarists argue that a comb tail is not a different type of Betta but is more like a crown tail Betta. 

Combtails have a large fan-like rear with a wide but less than 180-degree spread fin. Half sun caudal fin category is considered combtail Betta. Whereas a fin spread wider than 180 degrees is not considered a combtail. 

Betta fish extend rays beyond their webbing of the tail, which creates a pointy comb-like appearance.

Double Tail

double tail male betta fish

As the name suggests, a double-tail Betta has double or two fins coming out of the body. Many aquarists have the misconception that these are not two fins but a single split in two. However, it is different. 

Double betta fish, both tails are totally separated. And they appear like a round heart. 

This is due to a genetic mutation between bettas, resulting in smaller and shorter sizes than other bettas. Moreover, these fish have a smaller lifespan as they are more susceptible to fin rot and other fin diseases. 

Spade Tail Betta

Spade Tail Betta Fish

Spade tail betta is another type of Betta. They are similar to round-shaped bettas, except their tails end at a single point, displaying a spade-type shape. 

From a competition perspective, the fins should be symmetrical and the same size in both sizes. 

Halfmoon Betta

Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon Betta is another type of Betta that has a half-moon-like tail shape. Their tail spread to over 180 degrees like a capital D.

These fish are available in different colors and sizes, but their tail resembles a half-moon. Having said that, they also have wider anal, dorsal, and caudal fins than average Betta but do not spread to 180 degrees. 

Over-Half Moon

Over Half Moon Betta Fish

Over half-moon betta is another type of betta fish. They are similar to halfmoon betta fish, but their tails extend 180 degrees. 

They are also present in different sizes and colors and have different lifespans. With wider caudal fins, they have large or wider anal and dorsal fins than normal Betta. 

Delta Tail

Delta Tail Betta Fish

Delta tail betta is named after the Greek letter delta. They have long and large tails. Delta betta are beautiful and elegant creatures that are available in different colors and types.

Their tails are triangular with webbing. Each fin extends to the end of the tip of each ray. However, they do not have crowing tails, and their tails are rounded-shaped. 

Super Delta

Super Delta Betta Fish

Super delta fish are the same as delta tail bettas. However, super delta fish have longer tails than average Betta. Because of it, they are given the name super delta. 

They are present in different sizes and different colors and appearances. Super delta fish have triangular tails with webbing from which each ray extends to the tip. However, their shape is round, so they do not appear crowned. 

Half Sun

Half Sun Betta Fish

Half-sun betta fish is a new type of Betta. It is a hybrid betta fish that is the crossing between half-moon betta fish and crown tail betta fish. 

Its tail is 180 degrees wide, and rays extend beyond its tail webbing. Half su betta fish is present in different colors and sizes.


Rosetail Betta Fish

Rostail Betta is considered the most beautiful, mesmerizing, and elegant betta fish with a free-flowing and long tail. The tails are round like a rose, and dorsal and anal fins are standard. They appear to be free-flowing. They are costly and need to be maintained more than other bettas. 

This fish is also the result of cross-breeding, which has been practiced for years. Due to illegal practices, retail betta fish have become more vulnerable to tumors, genetics, and other diseases than other bettas. 

Long fins are more susceptible to fin rots and other fin-related diseases, making them vulnerable to happy and long lives. 

Feather Tail

Feather Tail Betta Fish

Feather tail is another type of betta fish. Feather tail and retail Betta are considered the same by many aquarists. Their tails are longer than average Betta and appear like a free-flowing feather. It is where this fish gets its name from. 

Feather tail betta is also the result of cross-breeding. Due to cross-breeding, this fish faces many diseases like tumors, fin rots, etc. Its fragile condition needs more care than other bettas. 


Plakat Betta Fish

Plakat is one of the most common betta fish types. It is found in Indonesia, Singapore, and Southeast Asia overall. It has a tiny round shaped tail that resembles a wild betta. 

These small fish can be found as the half moon and crown tail, thanks to selective breeding. In different forms, it is called halfmoon plakat and crown tail plakat. 

Dumbo Ear/Elephant Ear

Elephant Ear Betta Fish

Dumbo ear or elephant ear betta is a common type of betta fish. They have large, round-shaped tails that look like an elephant’s ears.

Their fins are soft and fragile. Many of the aquarists advise to remove short objects in the aquarium. Otherwise, the fins can split or break. 

Roundtail Betta

Roundtail Betta Fish

Round-tail Betta is the most common and appealing betta fish type. With the round tail, it looks like a circular object at the end. 

Round-tail Betta has sharp and wider dorsal and anal fins, making round-tail Betta one of the most distinctive betta types. 

Betta fish types based on color

Apart from tail types, betta fish come in a variety of colors and hues. Some are in a single color, and others are in multiple colors. 

Their size and appearance are distinct from the other bettas, making them an excellent choice for aquariums to add a colorful outlook to their aquarium. 

So, let us learn about each color type betta with pictures and specifications. 

Blue Betta

Blue Betta Fish

The blue betta is another type that has a mesmerizing and tranquil shade. This fish showcases a spectrum of blues ranging from deep indigo to vibrant azure. 

Its scales shimmer under the light, reflecting a shiny glow that captivates aquarists. The fins of the blue betta are typically adorned with delicate patterns, accentuating its regal appearance. 

With a serene and graceful demeanor, blue betta shows serene colors, adding a touch of serenity to any aquatic setting.

Black Orchid Betta

Black Orchid Betta Fish

The black orchid betta is a true masterpiece of nature. This betta has deep, velvety black hues. They have hints of shimmer like a rare orchid’s petals.

Its fins are like delicate lace. They are adorned with intricate patterns. The patterns match with every movement. The fish has a dark body. The shimmer of its fins contrasts with the body. This creates a striking sight. It evokes a sense of mystery and elegance. 

Like a rare gem hidden in the jungle’s depths, the Black Orchid Betta is a treasure to watch.

White Betta

White Betta Fish

The White Betta embodies purity and elegance. Its body is pristine and snow-white. It shimmers like a pearl under the water. 

Its thin, see-through fins ripple gracefully. They create a lovely display of ethereal beauty. The white betta stands out like a light against a backdrop of lush greenery. It casts a calm feeling over its surroundings. 

White betta has a serene and angelic appearance. It shows calm colors that bring peace to any fish tank.

Yellow Betta

Yellow Betta Fish

The yellow betta radiates warmth and energy. It has a vibrant, sun-kissed shade. The hue ranges from soft, buttery pale tones to intense gold.

Its fins look like delicate sunlight ribbons. They flow gracefully as they swim in the water. The Yellow Betta’s bright color brings joy and positivity. It makes any place cheery. 

This Betta is energetic and sunny. It is sure to bring a ray of sunshine to its admirers.

Green Betta

Green Betta Fish

The Green Betta is a verdant marvel. It is adorned with hues like those of emerald forests and meadows. 

Its scales shimmer with an iridescent sheen, creating a mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow. The Green Betta’s fins often have delicate patterns. They look like leaf veins and add to their charm. 

It shows natural beauty and calm. It brings a touch of the outdoors into any fish tank.

Purple Betta

Purple Betta Fish

The Purple Betta is a royal betta type. It has hues from deep purple to rich violet. Its delicate fins flutter like silk in the water, creating a captivating spectacle of color and movement. 

The Purple Betta’s striking appearance draws admirers with its elegant and stunning beauty. Like a jewel gleaming amidst the waves, this Betta shows an aura of sophistication and allure, adding a touch of luxury to any aquarium.


Cellophane Betta Fish

The Clear or Cellophane is a uniquely beautiful betta. Its translucent body reveals glimpses of its inner workings, like a living work of art. 

Its translucent fins shimmer with a super glow as they sway gracefully in the water. The Clear Betta seems transparent, but it does not lack charm. It has a mysterious allure that captivates the imagination. 

Like a living prism, this Betta refracts light in mesmerizing patterns, adding a touch of magic to any aquatic environment.

Cambodian Betta

Cambodian Betta Fish

The Cambodian Betta type is the name elegance. It has a pale, flesh-toned body. They have vibrant splashes of color on their fins and tails. Their colorful accents can be rich reds or deep blues. They create a striking contrast against the Betta’s muted base color. 

Its fins are less striking than some others. But they have a subtle beauty that adds to the Betta’s charm. The Cambodian Betta has a refined look and graceful manner. It shows quiet sophistication. 

Betta Fish Types Based on Pattern

Apart from color and tail, betta fish types are also characterized based on their patterns. 

For your ease, here are the bettas with pictures and descriptions. 

Dragon Scale Betta

Dragon Scale Betta Fish

Dragon Scale Bettas are known for their striking appearance. Dragon Scale Bettas have captivating looks and graceful movement. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

They have thick, metallic scales covering their bodies. The scales resemble those of a dragon. The scales are reflective. They create an iridescent shimmer when light hits them at various angles. 

Dragon Scale Bettas can vary widely in color. They range from vibrant reds and blues to rich greens and purples. Their fins often complement their body color, adding to their overall beauty. 

Butterfly Betta

Butterfly Betta Fish

Butterfly Bettas have unique fin patterning, resembling a butterfly’s delicate wings. The defining feature of Butterfly Bettas is their fins. The fins have a color gradient or pattern along their edges. They look like the designs on butterfly wings. 

These patterns can range from solid color edges to intricate marbling or striking contrast between two colors. A butterfly betta has the same color on the fin as its body. It creates a stunning fish that adds elegance to any aquarium.

Marble Betta

Marble Betta Fish

Marble Bettas are one of the most loved bettas. They are known for their changing and unpredictable color. It is like the swirls of marble stone. 

Moreover, bettas have a fascinating genetic trait. It causes their colors to shift and blend over time. This trait gives them a dynamic and captivating appearance. 

Marble Bettas can be in many colors, like vibrant reds, blues, greens, and yellows. They often have intricate marbling. It adds depth and complexity to their appearance. 

No two Marble Bettas are alike, making each fish a unique and prized addition to any aquarium.

Dalmatian Betta

Dalmatian Betta Fish

Dalmatian Bettas are named for their spotted pattern. It looks like the markings of Dalmatian dogs. These bettas typically have a solid base color, such as white, blue, or black, adorned with contrasting spots or speckles of another color. 

The spots on these fish can vary in size, density, and layout. They create a striking look that sets them apart from other types. The contrast between the base color and the spots gives Dalmatian Bettas a playful and eye-catching look, making them a favorite among aquarists.

Bicolor Betta

Bicolor Betta Fish

Bicolor Bettas have two-tone coloration. Their body and fins have distinct color separation. These Bettas typically have a solid base color on their body, which contrasts sharply with the color of their fins. 

The color combinations can vary widely. They range from classic pairs like red and white to more unusual ones like blue and orange. Bicolor Bettas often have bright colors and clean lines between them. This creates a visually appealing fish that stands out in any aquarium.

Multi-colored Betta Fish

Multi-colored Betta Fish (2)

Bettas have many colors. Their coloration is intricate and diverse. It features a mix of hues and patterns on their bodies and fins. Bettas can display many colors. The colors range from bold primaries, like red, blue, and yellow, to softer pastels and iridescent shades. 

Moreover, these fish vary greatly. They include marbling, speckling, and even intricate mosaic-like designs. Each Betta is a unique masterpiece of color and pattern. They showcase the beauty and diversity of this beloved fish species.

Alien Betta/Galaxy Bettas/Space Bettas

Galaxy Betta Fish

Alien Bettas are a recent and popular type of Betta fish. They are also known as “Galaxy Bettas” or “Space Bettas.”  These Bettas often have a dark, iridescent body color, resembling the depths of outer space. Their fins have vibrant pops of color. These colors look like images of distant galaxies and celestial bodies.

Alien Bettas have fin patterns and shiny metallic hues. These traits add to their alien appearance. Alien Bettas have a mysterious and captivating appearance. 

Aquarium enthusiasts love their distinct look. The enthusiasts seek to add a touch of cosmic beauty to their aquatic habitats.


Bettas are among the species that have so many types. Each betta has a different color, tail, and pattern type. Due to natural and artificial breeding, 76 betta types are currently on the market. However, the most common and prominent 30 types of betta have been discussed below. 

With so much organized information and pictures, you will find a way to identify any betta. If you have any queries or suggestions to add, please comment below. 

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